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My Story
My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Science in Counseling and Human Resource Development, Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, and Post Graduate Certificates as a Functional Nutrition Counselor and Dietary Supplement Specialist.
Shortly after finishing my doctorate studies, I started questioning the standard approach in my field. I wasn't seeing individuals thrive the way I thought they should.
They were prescribed more and more psychiatric medications, without significant improvement, but with increasing side effects.
While talk therapy and medications certainly have their place, I found myself wondering if something was being overlooked or if there was a another approach to help individuals.
To help those with unresolved symptoms, I have spent the last 15 years researching and studying the critical factors that impact mental wellness and overall well-being.
For example, studies show the brain is interconnected with other parts of the body, especially the immune, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems.
When one or more of these systems are not functioning correctly a cascade of symptoms can dramatically affect your mood, emotions, energy, and daily living.
The most successful approach I found to help individuals improve their quality of life is a Functional Health approach. An approach that looks at the body as a whole and focuses on healing, rather than just treating the symptoms.
There Is Hope.
Dr. Angela Schuft

Is The Mind-Body Connection Really A Scientific Concept?
Physical health and emotional health are intimately intertwined in what's known as the mind-body connection. Our chemistry and biology impact our mood and emotions, as well as thoughts and beliefs. With all of these factors combined, they play a major role in influencing our stress and physical health